As much as we Bahraini Bellas bitch about one another, hate on each other, and are just all around mean, we have a lot on common! Whether you are a conservative wall-flower or a flamboyant diva, we are all just looking for true love. Well, ladies, let me help you on your journey to conform in a disfunctional but ultimately wholesome relationship. (Lets be honest, all that relationship advice from Sex & the City just does not apply to us!)

Friday, June 17, 2011

Busting the Singles' Blues

T.G.I.F! Yalla girlies, turn that frown upside-down

We're all dreaming, in our own unique way, of prince charming, the perfect castle to share, and the life filled with clouds, unicorns, and butterflies. What sucks is most guys are jerks, they prefer hoes because why buy the cow when you can have the milk for free? The good guys, unfortunately, are always taken. DAMN! ALWAYS!

The sad truth is many marriages end, romances fade, and love stories just don't happen often. The more you think about the shoulda,woulda,coulda the more you miss out on how wonderful and privileged your life is. Don't agree? You clearly have your own laptop, you can relate to stories about attempting to find love, you also might be giggling at them, 3 things to be thankful for right there. Freedom, experience, and a sense of humor! Your not forced into a marriage to a virtual stranger, you still have some sense of control, you have the opprotunity to experience, make mistakes, and learn instead of just doing what you are told to. Life is not as grim as we make it, the more negative thoughts we have the darker our aura, and I personally believe its that bright happy glow that draws people to you like a moth to a flame. Who knows? Maybe one of those people turns out to be il7ub.

Here is the quickest remedy for loneliness, guaranteed success (tried and tested)

Step 1. Do your hair and nails, put on some smokey eye shadow and nude lipstick. Throw on a pair of super high heels and jeggings or any outfit that makes you feel very hot and sexy.

Step 2. Make a kick ass CD, tons of Black Eyed Peas and Katy Perry songs

Step 3. Call your 3 closest friends and head out for a spin in the car

Step 4. Turn up the CD from Step 1 up insanely loud (it is advised to sing along to the songs especially if you sound like nails on a chalkboard and could potentially ruin the song for everyone else in the vehicle forever)

Step 5. Stop for Ice-Cream

Step 6. Drive down to the beach, or somewhere by the sea, park your car and take the stupidest photos of each other you possibly can

Step 7. Head to a fast-food restaurant and eat in.

Step 8. Go to a party store and pick up balloons for each other (Why, you say? No,no, you mean why not!)

Step 9. Return to one of your friends' places and play some 90's hits (Backstreet Boys, N'Sync, Spice Girls, some cheesey nasty Night at the Roxbury music), dance as seriously as you possibly

Step 10. Pull out your yearbook (or baby albums) and go crazy until someones feelings get hurt. Then apologize. And start again.

Lifes short, the end is near, live it up, laugh at yourself, get stupid, hug your friends. How awesome is it being young and alive? Very awesome. Sulk tomorrow, enjoy today! Do 5 things you wouldn't do any other day, fun or stupid things, let yourself be a douche for a day, if anything your friends will have a good laugh and that'll definately make you feel better.

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